When is the best time and day to resign?
Construction executives who have accepted job offer with another employer should consider resigning as soon as possible. The longer you delay the longer your "two week's notice" will take effect. There is never a good time for an employer to have a valued employee resign, but some times are better than others.
To avoid the awkward phase AFTER your tell your boss you are leaving, it is best to resign on the afternoon of a Friday or a holiday to allow time for the initial shock and any emotions to settle down prior to returning to the office. If however you would rather not wait until such a day, try to submit your written resignation to your boss later in the day.
Be prepared for an extended resignation. Some employers will ask you to leave immediately with little discussion or drama, while others will request a second meeting with you and other senior management while refusing to accept your resignation.
Resignations are also unpredictable. Some are easy and cooperative, but most are hard on the job seeker and on the employer. Drama and emotion will almost always play a big part in a resignation, so it is best to rehearse your story and strategy prior to resigning.