When should a construction executive present his or her references?

When interviewing for a construction job, job seekers should have a few work references that they plan to submit should the interview progress to an offer stage. However if you are interviewing for a position and know someone at that employer or have a reference that knows people at that employer then you should consider providing that reference early in the interviewing process (even in a cover letter with your initial resume submission).

References are almost always required for any construction position hire. It’s important to always be prepared to support your claims in your construction resume or in the construction interview with quality references to validate your claims.

The most appropriate type of references are past work references, but construction employers will sometimes consider a personal reference if it is from a recognized construction executive. References can take the form of written letters of recommendation or simple a list or contact names, phone numbers and addresses. As construction recruiters we suggest providing between 3 and 6 references at the most to a potential construction employer.

References are usually not required until an offer is being considered. If you are asked for references beforehand make sure to ask if you are being offered the construction job. It’s pointless for you to submit references unless you know this is the position you want and the construction employer knows they want you. In fact it is best not to inconvenience your references unless you have a oral or written offer and acceptance.

Ask the construction employer what type of references he or she is looking for and if there are any skill or responsibility issues they want to validate so you can lead them to the best sources. Before submitting references to a potential construction employer, make sure to contact your references and prepare them for the construction employer’s contact. Stress the skills, experience and accomplishments that the construction employer will be looking for in the reference so they can be prepared.