How often can a construction job seeker change jobs before he or she is considered a job hopper?
Job hopping is dangerous since many recruiters and HR professionals will often eliminate resumes from any consideration who have made too many job changes. What is considered too many job moves? This is highly subjective but typically moving jobs every 3 years or under is considered too many. If however a construction resume shows some job stability in the past (4 years or more), recruiters will accept a few short term job changes.
It is a good idea to stay focused on your career goals (ultimate job position) at all times and not get hung up on pay raises. The pay almost always comes as you advance your career, and exposure to the construction marketplace. A rule of thumb is If a reputable construction employer can offer you a better career path for achievement of your career goals then you should consider making the job move with them, even if it means leaving a recent job.